Starting a New Year
Well on New Year's Day I was out hunting with my dad, Nolan and Caleb, my uncle Randle, my Papa, and my cousing Ethan. That sounds like a lot of people and it was for me since the first year I went out there Nolan, Caleb, and Ethan didn't go. Then Nolan showed up last year and now, Caleb and Ethan. It was nice being able to hang out with my family. Sure it was dirty and we probably all smelled bad, but it was worth it. Anyways back to hunting. Nolan and I went up there with our uncle Randle and got to camp around 2:00. The wind was terrible. We got there and the wind was howling blowing just so terribly there was no way that any of us were going to go and sit in a blind. Well when we got there my Papa and Ethan were all ready there. They said the wind was worse the day before. We all went to scout the whole farm and see where we might have a shot. My favorite place to hunt was a corner of the property and a boundary line to what we could hunt. The reason it is my favorite spot ...