Stock Show

I've really enjoyed the past week at the stock show with showing a pig and 4 lambs. As my mom might have allready told you, I got 4th place with my pig on Tuesday. On Thursday, I had to go up to the barns at 8:00, and start washing all 10 lambs. We didn't get completely done until 4:00 p.m. It was very exhausting. That night, Evan showed in the pee-wee show and did very good. Nolan was in the 1st class of lambs which was the light weight crosses. He got 1st place in that class and Caleb and Bobby were in the Medium weight class. Bobby had a cross and a fine wool, and decided to show his cross since they were in the same class. He had Riley Price show his other lamb. Bobby got 4th, Caleb got 3rd, and Riley Price got 2nd with the fine wool. I showed a heavy weight cross and it was the 2nd heaviest lamb that was showed. I got 2nd and didn't get reserved or breed champion cross. The next class was light weight medium wool. I had a lamb that was supposed to be a cross, but was put in the medium wool class, so, I wasn't really capable of getting 1st place with the lamb because of the way it is built. I got 2nd place. But then, a girl named Gia Garland had 2 heavy weight medium wools. She had someone else show one of them, and got breed and reserved champion for meduim wools. Then the light weight dorpers were showed and Mattie had her lamb in that class and Derek Orneleas had two in that class and got 1st and 2nd place. In the medium weight class was Nolan, Nathan Orneleas (who had 2 in that class), and me. I got 4th place and Nolan got 1st place, and Nathan got 2nd and 3rd. In the heavy weight class was Nolan, Caleb (who had 2 dorpers in that class), and me. Caleb had Abbye show one of his lambs and she got 4th. Caleb got 3rd, and Nolan got 2nd. I got my only 1st. In the breed champion round, Nolan got breed champion lamb, and I got reserve breed champion. In the grand champion round, Gia Garland got Grand and Reserve champion. Everybody that night got called back for showmanship round. In the showmanship round, Riley Price won the showmanship buckle.


  1. Yea, Riley, I'm so glad you are blogging now. You can add me to your list of blogs also and see what all the kids are doing. I'm so excited you are coming with Grandy and Grumpa when I graduate. Fun!!

  2. Sweet! Congrats on fourth.
    I LOVE your blog. IT ROCKS!


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