
Yes reality has caught up to me. Getting braces is not fun at all. My appointment was at 9 a.m. On Friday December 18 and I had a bake sale to go to at 11. I honestly thought they were only putting brackets on so that on Tuesday when the surgery happens (I'll explain in a minute) they have something to connect to. Well as the doctors were putting on the brackets, I didn't even notice them putting them on. It was kind of confusing, but then when they asked me what color I wanted, I thought to myself," I'm done already?" So I picked the color I thought was obvious, blue. So I picked blue and when they put the first one on I didn't feel anything. Then the second one came on and I felt a little tug. They put the third one on and it felt like my mouth was being compressed! It hurt so bad. When they finally got done, my mouth felt a little funny, but I was ok with that. The assistant doctor was actually a graduate last year at Monahans High School. He played football. He told me that I didn't look very different at all. I thought to myself, "Ya right." I thought I looked a lot different, but that's just me. As soon as I was done, my mom and I headed for the band hall. The band directors and I had discussed the previous day that I could get a solo for solo & ensemble. Since Chris Garcia was in town we thought he could help us out. Well I show up to the band hall and only two of the band directors were there, no Chris. I asked the band directors if he was here yet and Mr. Whitaker told me, "No he's probably still asleep." 10:00 a.m. " Do you have his phone number?" I told that I did and called him. It went to his voicemail and I left a message saying something like Chris you need to wake up and get to the band hall. It turned out he called back almost immediately and said that he was babysitting. So I got stuck with a 3 page long solo that I have to memorize in order to make state solo & ensemble. This is just great. First I have to memorize a really long solo and on top of that I can't practice it because of my braces and in January I'm going to be mostly working my sheep for stock show. I'll do my best though. Now my surgery to happen on Tuesday is going to be painful for me. First I can't eat or drink anything 5 hours before the surgery which is at 11:00 a.m., second I'm getting all of my wisdom teeth pulled out, third I'm getting a tooth implanted because it's still in the gum above a tooth that it isn't supposed to be above, and fourth I'm getting permanent braces on my top teeth for a year and then I get my bottom braces on and wear them for two more years. So I hope that I have a Merry Christmas and wish me luck!



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