Where do I start?

So, I guess I have va lot of explaining to do. A lot has happened since last timevi posted, so I will briefly sum up the important events that have occurred since last time through probably several posts. The question is, where do I start? I guess the most important thng for anybody to know in this life of mine is that I love band with a passion and a majority vof my posts will either be about what interesting new thing band directors are able to make funny, or about my girlfriend. Since last time I posted I went through, as messed up and terrible as it sounds, just one girlfriend. Kimbra Watts was and always will be my first girlfriend. But on the contrary of that, Melanie Pogue is the first girl I ever dated and am fortunate enough to still be dating. Kimbra was a very short story, and short relationship. Nothing ever hppened, hardly anybody really knows we were even considered "together", which poses some kind of problem. We just didn't feel right about bein "together", so we broke up after two weeks in whih nohing happened between us, just walking each other from class to class. Never even went to lunch with her. But it was a very strange relationship anyways, the last two people anyone would expect to be dating even though we never technically did. ANYWAYS, so the rest of my junior year went on with good friends, a litrle bit of drama thrown in here nd there, but all in all ended pretty good. You could ask anybody and they would tell you they saw me and melanie a mile a away lol we never really considered that we would end up together, we were just best friends. Who better to date than your best friend right? Bu the story that leads into our relationship is another story well worth telling another time. You know the basics of how I ended up where I'm at, and without going into any more detail, just gotta say.....PEACE!!!!!


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